Wednesday, November 28, 2007

progress?????? YES! I SHALL ACHIEVE

okay one, two, three, breath! Today is not a good day bad morning but let's turn it around. I desperately need to find a focus today and stop looking at other things that make my mind wonder. I need to FOCUS! I thought I knew what I was doing but I realized I don't. So today my goal is to read. I want to read about my topic and find a focus and stick with it. The more I can narrow it I feel like I will have a better handle on the paper. I will accomplish this and then I can begin writing later today. I have a date with the library and a computer. I want to find research and at the very least write a complete introduction. Yes I know that I am behind, but I was behind from the beginning because I changed my topic. Once I can read more on the subject I will also change my bib. page today. Once I do that I will be able to write more efficiently and have scholars to back up my claims, instead of what I have now which is just my opinion.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Today was not as productive as I hoped it would be. I think that I am still trying to find focus and I need to really buckle down and get going. I am just finding it difficult to have a focus that works and translate it into a seminar paper. I want to focus on what the problems are with literacy and Latino students. Then I want to see what are other strategies are out there that will help Latinos achieve higher literacy rate. I have to analyze the problem with schools and with home environment.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

plans for revision

I am going to revise my annotated bibliography by changing a few paragraph errors that I have. I am also going to cut out one of my books and look up others that focus on minorities and male minorities specifically. I will then try to expand my introduction.