Wednesday, October 31, 2007

in class 10/31/07

Whom could I talk to who could provide me with information that has factness about this question?

I know a few teachers at different grade levels. I think that one teacher would be more educated on the topic. He is an English teacher for high school students; he also has a Masters Degree in reading strategies. This weekend he is going to a reading conference and I have asked to interview him on the topic. Since this topic revolves around everything he teaches and has studied I think that he will have strong opinions about the topic.

What could I read that would provide me with information that has factness about this question?

I can read articles by theorists that have opposing views on the subject. One might say that reading is directly correlated with writing while others may disagree. Perhaps there have been newspaper articles that have covered this topic, or certain researchers that have tried to tackle the correlation have written studies on the topic

What else could I do besides talk to people and read to acquire information or factness about this question? (Jolliffe 75)

I would like to observe some of the class rooms and see how reading and writing are being taught. Do teachers teach both reading and writing together or are they separate entities all together. I would also like to create a survey about the topic and see if everyday people that don’t teach composition or reading think that there is a link between the two.

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